He has ‘marshalled’ good energy, great service to community
Column 130
It’s so typical of Marshall Green to turn a tribute dinner for him into a fundraiser for three charities! In fact, it’s really been Marshall’s way since he moved to Barrie as a young man seeking employment in the legal field, and seeking family life with his bride, Susan.
Along the way, Marshall has been a moving force in the legal community and has forged a life that has included three children, many community-oriented clients, charities and entertainment. Son, Jordin, was born in 1976, followed by Cesia in 1980 and Erica in 1982.
It’s wonderful to watch a new arrival take hold of a community as the community takes him or her into its heart. Marshall’s gifts to Barrie are many and I want to take a few minutes to celebrate them with you, my readers, and with Marshall’s greater community.
Marshall arrived in 1975 to complete his law studies by articling for the better part of a year with Graham, Wilson, Palmer and Bumstead. He decided to leave Toronto, his lifelong home, and he drew a one-hour circle around Toronto and Barrie was the lucky choice.
After articling, he was ready to hang his newly minted degree and get started in ‘life’ and he received a call from John Graham saying the law firm was ending its association and a new firm was being created and would Marshall be interested in the litigation responsibilities of the new firm, Graham, Wilson and Green. John Graham, Tom Wilson and Marshall Green’s law firm was together from 1975 until the mid 90-s when John retired. The firm continued to grow until Tom formed his own firm with his daughter in 2008.
At that point, Marshall began discussions with a Midland firm regarding a merger into a regional firm and in 2010, HGR (Hacker Gignac, Rice) folded itself into Graham Partners and HGR Graham Partners was cemented. Zwicker, Lewis, Evans joined the fold in 2014.
Marshall felt satisfied that they now had a firm with 15 partners, 32 lawyers, and a total of 60 staff in various offices across Simcoe County. And the firm’s “Up and Out’ program encourages every member to get out and volunteer time in their area of interest. They touch virtually every aspect of Barrie area’s charitable and entertainment community!
Marshall himself has given his golden touch to the Rotary Club, Barrie Chamber of Commerce, Am Shalom Synagogue, Barrie YMCA, Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie Public Library, and Theatre by the Bay. His email blast list reads like a movers-and-shakers index as he blasts out entertainment possibilities every week. You can set up a date night with your spouse just from Marshall’s weekly suggestions! In his tribute dinner, next month, he’s honoured by Am Shalom and Theatre by the Bay.
Marshall’s daughter, Cesia, herself a lawyer, remembers the building of Barrie’s only synagogue. “When my parents moved to Barrie there were very few Jewish families. They used to meet for services in each others homes and hire a Rabbi and rent a hall for important Jewish events,” says Cesia. When developer Henry Bernick donated the land on Huronia Rd, Marshall was quick to get involved in fundraising to build the synagogue. A number of key business owners in Barrie formed a team which achieved full building construction in time to celebrate Yom Kippur in 2003.
There is little that Marshall puts his hand to that doesn’t get achieved! He has the kind of energy that draws good people into his sphere of influence.
The community will gather on Saturday, November 15 to honour Marshall Green and to say thanks for a lifetime of commitment to Barrie. Tickets, at $135 can be ordered through Am Shalom 705 792-3949. Payment electronically or by cheque. Charitable receipt for $80 of that total.
Caterer is Marc Ormonde of The North. Location is The West, formerly the Victoria Village Centre, on Toronto St. Entertainment is presented by Theatre by the Bay and promises to be incredible. The general public, and those who know and love Marshall, are invited to attend.
Little else can be said. Thanks, Marshall.