I’m an accomplished human being; how difficult could it be?

For nearly six years now I’ve been lucky enough to spend one day a week babysitting delightful grandchildren. Wednesdays are Gramma D day and off I go to Grey County where five little munchkins in two different households are ready stealers of my heart. When you’ve raised your own kids, managed to change diapers (cloth)…

Lakeside Dance: four feet, two hearts, and a ton of rhythm

In two years since opening their hearts and their dancing feet to Barrie, Adam Spadafora and Ashley Wren have coaxed their fledgling dance studio into a full service, fun filled place where people find their comfort on the dance floor. In fact, Lakeside Dance Studio, which has been operating from a third-floor, shared space in…

Chamber could be ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ or ‘right’!

Business relationships. Touchstone of the Barrie business community. Friends. Involvement. A voice for business. When Debbie DeCaire joined the Barrie Chamber of Commerce in 2002, those were her reasons. A particularly active business group, the Barrie Chamber has always ridden the waves of its membership. Strong leadership, exciting programs, lots of activity brings out the…