Donna Douglas

While I began my professional life as a journalist, then newspaper editor, it is the 40 years of self employment that have been the most satisfying.
Seeing a need, developing a process to meet that need… whether it’s work, community commitment, or parenting/grandparenting…that’s really my strength. I feel the 20 years of newspaper columns have fed our community with valuable, touching information. I know that the business coaching programs that I’ve developed have helped people change THEIR lives and the lives of their families and clients. Add to that the incredible opportunity to bring together creative forces in this community for its betterment…
what more valuable way could one choose to live?
Today I’m seeing business owners on an individual consulting basis to their benefit and to my own. Every business owner that I sit down with, I’m lucky to bring a history of business development,
- whether it’s the Grow Vantage program, or Go Forth and Next!, or
- creative marketing campaigns like Sweet Charity and Grove Park Home, or
- teaching literally thousands of adult students at Georgian College
It all fits together. We all benefit.