Check out how to reduce the doctors’ lineup
Nearly 80% of patients sitting in doctors’ offices are there for stress-related disease. So says the American Medical Association.
That’s a signal for Liane Gallant. It’s a signal she’s doing something about. “If you remove some of those stress-related illnesses, think of the improvement to our medical services,” she says.
And so, for the second year in a row, Liane has organized 35 alternative health practitioners to give workshops and experiences to hundreds of Barrie residents expected to attend the Simcoe County Wellness Expo.
Slated for next Sunday, October 5, in the Rotunda at City Hall on Collier St., alternative therapists will give a full day’s bird’s eye view of ways to accompany the traditional medical system and enhance your health care.
“It’s really about taking a pro-active approach to health care,” says Liane, herself a Reiki Master and Reflexologist.
“If people are looking for different tools to rearrange their outlook on life, this show will give it to them.” Who will get something out of this show? Well, if your health issues don’t seem to have a solution, if what you’ve been doing isn’t working, if you’re stressed, if prescription drugs are unsuccessful, there are therapies that can enhance medication.
“In Barrie we have a shortage of doctors and hospital beds, and building up immune systems, avoiding ill health can take pressure off our local medica system” says Liane.
Workshops in the second floor Huronia Room will deal with horticultural therapy, brain gym, chiropractic care, chelation therapy, anger management, cranial sacral therapy and fitness.
With a switch to a Sunday event this year, with improved parking availability, it’s expected that 600-700 people will attend the show.
This is certainly a non-threatening way to find out for yourself. Each of the 35 practitioners has been hand-picked for this show, based on their reputation, length of time in business, and their devotion to healing therapy.
Admission is $2 a person with all proceeds going to the Cancer Unit at Royal Victoria Hopsital.
As show organizer, Liane Gallant practices what she preaches.
“Slow down in the midst of chaos and open your eyes to the wonders all around you.”
Thanks, Liane.